Pablo Gilez

Languages: SPANISH(Mother language) and ENGLISH (High Level)
- “LA PRIMERA CITA”, Feature film, Dir: Chus Ponce, 2018.
- “LA ÚLTIMA CROQUETA”, shortfilm, Dir: Bernabé Bulnes, 2016.
- “PASARÁ”, shortfilm, Dir: Miguel Santesmases, role: Alfredo, 2013.
- “GRASA”, Dir: David Sainz, Playz, 2019.
- “FARSA Y LICENCIA DE LA REINA CASTIZA” by Valle-Inclán, Dir: Javier Centeno, 2018.
- “LA MUJER DEL MUERTO”, Dir: Javier Centeno, 2018.
- “SAINETES” by Carlos Arniches, Dir: Sebastián Haro and Manuel Rodríguez, 2017.
- “THE CRAZY STORY”, (English) Verbum, 2017.
- “ROMEO Y JULIETA”, La Madeja Teatro, Dir: José Chía, 2016.
- “PILATO”, Dir: José Luis Losa, 2015/2016/2017/2018.
- “CUADROS DE AMOR Y HUMOR AL FRESCO” by José Luis Alonso de Santos, Dir: Chelo Barrera, 2015.
- “DON JUAN TENORIO: PRÓXIAMENTE”, Dir: José Luis Losa, 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017.
- Drama workshop, Sevilla, 2013/18.
- Acting in front of the camera, 2014/2018.
- Casting workshop with Carmen Utrilla, 2017.
- “Monográfico anual de teatro en verso” with Antonio Campos, 2018.
- “Monográfico de voz” with Javier Centeno, 2016.
- Physical theater with Mamen Gallardo, 2016
- Clown workshop with Maripaz Sayago, 2014.
- Singing with Patricia Díaz, 2017/2018.
- Clown workshop with Pepe Viyuela, 2018.
More Information
- Height: 5,8’
- Weight: 165,3 lb
- Eyes: Brown/Green
- Hair: Brown
- Skills: Driving license, singing and knowledge about screenplay and film direction.